What I realized at a women’s network

I’ve merged 2 pictures of people at tables You can see the overlap!

(Written in October 2017 before the lockdown in Ontario) I looked around the table at a network I attended and realized that nearly all of the women were in their 20s, 30s and early 40s. There were only a couple of us in our late 60s.

When they got an insight from something someone said, I smiled.  I already knew what they had just realized. I couldn’t remember when I learned it since my realization of it had come many years before. It had become embedded in my knowledge and DNA and was second nature to me now.

I wanted to tell all of them that whatever they do or decide to do, their decisions all work out no matter what. There is no right way or wrong way to do something. As Yoda is quoted “There is no maybe. There is only do.”

It’s their life and all they can do is live in the moment. Timing doesn’t matter. Whatever choices they make and whenever they make them, they are right for them at the time. They don’t have to know everything. Experience teaches one.

Learn from those who have already done what you want to do – your elders.

What do you want to pass on when you’re older? Tell me and them.

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