Do you expect good or bad outcomes?

Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

If you expect something to go wrong, it does. If you expect things will go okay, they do.

I had a “thing” on my shin. It was there for six months before called my family doctor about it.

Before I called her, I looked up a clinic nearby and got the name of a dermatologist so when my family doctor asked me to whom she should send the referral, I was able to give her the doctor’s name at that clinic.

Six weeks later, I had a phone appointment with the dermatologist to whom I had emailed the photo of the “thing”. She looked at it then said she couldn’t tell what it was and that I should come for an in-person appointment the following week. I did and she cut out the “thing” on my leg and called me with the results of the biopsy three weeks later.

I went back in one month for another treatment at which time she said that I didn’t have to come back for one year.

My point is that I assumed things would go fine.

It never crossed my mind that they wouldn’t. I thought that six weeks to get a dermatologist appointment was quick. I also believed the dermatologist knew what she was doing was the right thing. I trusted her.

Someone could have looked at what happened and thought the opposite. That things would not go fine. That six weeks was too long to wait for the referral. That the doctor’s diagnosis wasn’t right so went to another doctor … and another.

My question is, was my outcome a result of positive expectations? Flexibility? Acceptance? All of those?

What do you believe?

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