Do people remember you? How are you memorable?

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Why do business associates remember me – for a long time AND become friends?

I received an email from a man I had done business with in 1985. He had “googled” my name, found my website and emailed me. (isn’t technology wonderful?)

What makes me memorable? I thought about this and came up with several things that I’ve used, am or have done and how you can be too. Here’s how:

1. Speak with confidence.  

2. Stand up in a group and ask the question to which everyone else wants to know the answer.

3. Ask others about themselves. Don’t use the same questions such as “what do you do”. Ask an “open ended” question that gets them talking about themselves such as “what brought you to this kind of business – what did you do before?”

4. Attend the same networking events regularly. When people see you frequently they’re more likely to remember you.

5. When you’re at a group event stand up and ask a question or give a comment but always have an attitude of assurance. You’ll be remembered. I always did this not only because I wanted to know the answer but because I’m short (5’) and wanted to be seen!

6. Wear something memorable like a hat. (I was at a seminar  where the speaker made hats. He said a hat can be worn by a woman anytime. The hat draws attention to your face so people “see” and remember you.)

7. When you follow up with an email, put where and when you met the person in the subject line. That way they’ll go back to that place in their mind and are more likely to remember you.

8. Speak at conferences and webinars. You won’t know everybody there but they’ll get to know you and you’ll be remembered.

9. Give training seminars. You’ll get to know the participants especially if it’s a series of seminars or webinars.

10. In social media comment on people’s posts.

11. In blogs become a guest blogger AND even if you aren’t a guest blogger make thoughtful comments on people’s posts.

In everything you do in business, you want to be remembered.

Remember – know who you are and be proud of it. Stand tall and with confidence and you’ll be memorable.

Do you have any other examples of what you do that really make people think of you? Share them with all of us.

 Originally posted September 3, 2012 

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