Is sales a part of marketing?

My funnel

Why do I think sales is a part of marketing?

Recently I had a conversation with a friend about sales and marketing. He said they are separate and I said that sales is another part of marketing (like market research is).

I’d like to clarify my belief about that.

Draw a marketing funnel. Every marketing activity you do to get prospects is at the top or widest part of the funnel.

As you proceed down the funnel it  gets narrower and you keep marketing.

Then you get to the narrow part of the funnel which is now sales. See in my diagram that I’ve drawn a line there? You’re meeting the prospect one to one – face to face or by phone or email or video meeting.

When you “close the deal” with them, they become a client which is the bottom of the funnel.

Then you go back to the top of the funnel and repeat your marketing activities.

I know that you don’t use the same activities to sell as you do to market. I agree that they should be taught as two topics – but I still believe that sales is in the marketing funnel.

That’s my opinion. Tell me yours.

 Originally posted February 24, 2013 

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Have a beginner’s mind when you’re learning

Photo by Jeremiah Lawrence on Unsplash

When you learn something new, are you afraid of failure or how you look to others? Don’t.

Look at children. They’re wired to learn. When my nephew was learning to walk in the early 90s, he fell more than he walked but it didn’t matter to him. He got up and tried again .. and again .. and again.

When I was 10 in 1960, I learned to ride a two-wheel bicycle. A teenage boy who lived across the street from us held my bike seat and ran down the road with me lots of times. I didn’t learn. A teenage girl who lived several houses down from him did the same as him three times. Then she let go of my seat while I was riding. I made the mistake of looking back to see if she was still there and I fell. She yelled down the block to get up and try again so I did. I rode!!!

When we were kids, neither my nephew nor I had worried then about what people would think. We were learning and making progress and eventually we succeeded.

He and I have both used this attitude (except for a few times when we didn’t) over the years.

Can we learn something from children’s behaviour as they learn to walk, run, jump, swim and talk? Yes. We can and should apply this “can do” attitude every time we learn a new skill. As the song Pick Yourself Up composed in 1936 says …

“Pick yourself up. Take a deep breath. Dust yourself off. And start all over again. Nothing’s impossible, I have found. For when my chin is on the ground I pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again.”

Remember the following every time you learn something new.

Have a “beginner’s mind”. Think of yourself as a child and how you learned to talk, crawl, walk. Everything was new to you and you looked at others and wanted to do what they did … and you eventually did.

Plan to fail – a lot.  Then get up and try again. Each failure is one step closer to success as you define it.

Feel uncomfortable. Look foolish. Everyone does as a beginner. You don’t have a choice of how others see you (and you shouldn’t care) while you’re mastering something new. Smile. Laugh. Try again.

You can read about how to do it but that will never be enough to take you from a beginner to an expert.  You have to get off the sidelines and DO IT!

Prepare for the bumps and bruises you get along the way. It’s the only way to learn, isn’t it. When children are learning to walk, they fall and when they do they sometimes hurt themselves and cry. But they don’t cry for long. They fail, shed a few tears, pick themselves up, and try again.

As someone once wrote “having a beginner’s mind means you’re fearless”.

“Beginner’s mind means having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level.”

Lisa Bloom, Storytelling Coach

Think about a time as a child when you were learning something new. How did you feel? Remember that feeling and let us know in the Comments.

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Why do we humans need to connect?

“The more we get together …The happier we’ll be… ‘Cause your friends are my friends …. And my friends are your friends ..”

I heard this children’s song which was written and sung by Raffi, a Canadian children’s singer and it made me think about why we humans need to get together and connect. I know that there is a pandemic and most places where we used to gather are closed here in Ontario and most of Canada.

I had a debilitating stroke in 2005 and moved from my house to an apartment. I live alone but rarely feel lonely and I’ve been thinking about why that is.

Maybe it’s because I need a lot of physical help and had several people who came in to help me. Before the pandemic, there were only three days a week that I was alone and had no human contact. Once or twice a week, I would take a taxi to go to a local restaurant to meet a friend for coffee or lunch. I belonged to a few networking groups who met in person.

The pandemic means that I don’t go out now and allow fewer people into my apartment only for essentials. There are now more days a week that I’m alone but … I still belong to a networking group that meet every two weeks, my mastermind once a month, a woman in France every Friday – all via zoom!

Recently, I was flipping channels on my TV, and ….

…. came across a show about a man who travelled alone, by a Volkswagen beetle, from Alaska to Argentina to learn why humans need connections. In each town he started by asking individuals if he could stay at their house that night. Many said no so he kept asking until he got a yes.

One of the towns he stopped at was Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. He had heard that we Canadians are known for our friendliness so he asked someone in a shop there where he could go to find the most friendly person in town. She directed him to an Immigrants Welcome Centre where he was told the name of that individual and where he could find him.

To make a long story short, the man he was introduced to held barbeque get-togethers every Wednesday evening for immigrants – newcomers to Canada. At the end of the episode, the guests there sang “The More We Get Together”. It made me smile.

Many of those who have come here are from war-torn countries, immigrant camps, persecution or to flee attacks or kidnapping and usually have nothing.

If they can find a way to be happy, why can’t we?

The following are the lyrics to “The More We Get Together” by Raffi. And if you want to sing along to the song, here’s the link on youtube.

The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be

‘Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be
Oh, the more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be
There’s Chris and Tanya
And Jason and Justin
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be

The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be

‘Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be

Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Ken Whiteley / Raffi Cavoukian / Unknown Pd Writer; The More We Get Together lyrics © The Bicycle Music Company

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Do you let fear hold you back?

photo credit: Shandi-lee via photopin cc

Fear is a natural feeling.

It told cavemen and women to run away from danger. We’re not cavemen or women any more but having some fear is still healthy. We should feel afraid when a gun is pointed at us. It’s only unhealthy when you feel so much fear that it stops you from acting.

It’s normal to be afraid when you’re starting or running your business. Fear acts as your guard at the gate of your comfort zone. But getting out of your comfort zone especially in business is a good thing.

Letting those fears stop you is a bad thing. Using them to transform your business and you IN your business is good.

Here are some ideas of how to use fear.

1. Fear of being judged. Needing approval from family, friends or clients in order to do something is bad.

Each time you catch yourself wondering what others would think,  try what I learned from Jack Canfield in 1992. Look into your eyes in the mirror and say “I approve of me.” It works.

2. Fear of rejection. This can happen with every sales call, newsletter, followup or offer – the core activities of business.

Rejection is just a no of what you’re asking. It’s NOT a rejection of you. You actually want rejection as a business owner so you can learn from it. If you’re not experiencing rejection, you’re probably not getting clients. Don’t take “no’s” personally.

3. Fear of embarrassment. Think of a public mistake someone else made. Did they acknowledge it? What happened? You probably said or thought that it was nothing and then carried on. Be easy on yourself too just as you were to them.

4. Fear of the unknown. This is probably the biggest fear of all for a business owner.

Remember that business builders have had fears and failures, and then needed to dig deep to find the courage, motivation and willingness to keep moving forward with their dream. Even when it wasn’t easy. Remember that you’re not alone.

Don’t let fear stop you from moving forward.

Take small steps and take actions which move you toward your goals.  Don’t let yourself wallow in your fear and tell yourself scary stories.

Do this …

photo credit: -mrsraggle- via photopin cc

Pick one of your goals for the next year. Now think about one small step that you can take over the next week to get started now and start building positive momentum immediately.

Don’t worry about thinking beyond that one step. It will inevitably lead to a second, then a third. Just take the first one. You’ll already be way ahead of the alternative – which was the inaction that your fears caused.

Go from fear to triumph.

What have you tried that worked? Comment so others can benefit from it.

Originally posted December 30, 2014

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Do you think of yourself as a positive thinker?

I am a positive person. Why? What made me that way?

The Beatles were together as a group during my formative years from 1960 to 1970 (when I was 10 to 20 years old) and their music really influenced me. I even had a poster of Paul my favourite Beatle hanging in my bedroom.

Most of their songs were positive from She Loves You to Good Day Sunshine to Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. Do you know the song Let It Be by the Beatles?

I watched James Corden’s “Carpool Karaoke” in which he was driving around Liverpool with Paul McCartney . Each time they sang a song I laughed or cried. Every one of them reminded me of my youth.

I started thinking that perhaps Beatles’ music affected me in another way than I had thought. Could it be another of the reasons I’m so positive?

When I say positive, I don’t mean “Pollyana-ish”. I’m not positive all the time. I’m human and sometimes I feel down – but not for longer than a day or two. I always look for something good in everything that happens. There’s sunshine behind every cloud.

Positive thinking allows me to be self employed, look for the good in everything that happens especially when it’s a “bad” thing, not take things personally, look at problems as opportunities for learning, have hope that the pandemic will end, be curious, and so on. (More about positive thinking to come in another post.)

Was I born a positive thinker? No. No one is.

So be positive and as the Beatles say “Here Comes the Sun”. Here it is for you to listen to.

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How to make technology your friend

Do you see technology as a friend or foe?

Photo by R.D. Smith on Unsplash

When I was a kid in the 50s and 60s, all phones were black and had dials, typewriters were manual, cameras had film and music was on records. Now in 2020, phones are “dialed” by tapping on them, typewriters don’t exist, your phone is your camera that takes photos and videos, and music is on mp3 players. Oh how technology changes the way things are done! By the way, why do we still say that we dial a number when we actually press buttons? Hmmm.

All of these were technology AND everyone knew how to use them. So why are many people afraid of technology today? There are lots of reasons even if people use it often.

  • it’s too difficult to learn
  • I don’t need to use all the features
  • I can’t learn/ use it
  • I’m too old
  • I don’t have time to learn it
Picture from pixabay by TheDigitalArtist / 7307 images

It comes down to the fact that all of us have difficulty with change. In the 70s people said “I’m not mechanically inclined”. Now they say “I’m not technically savvy”.

My belief then as now is that it’s mindset. I don’t know who said “if you think you can, you can and if you think you can’t, you can’t” or something like that.

What can YOU do?

First and foremost you can change the mindset that you have that says “I can’t do technology.” In order to do that, there are several things you can do.

1. take one technology and learn what it can do and what it can do for you in your business or personal life. As an example, let’s use smartphones. A smartphone can be known as a mobile or cellphone. It has an operating system (like a computer does), can allow you to take photos and videos, record notes you may have, check and respond to email and look at posts and websites. It can be your media player (mp3s), it has a touchscreen and can run 3rd-party apps. Decide which apps you need. Become a knowledgeable consumer.

2. find an expert who won’t use “geekspeak when talking with you and will explain things to you until you understand.

3. find someone to do it for you. I tried my hand at programming several decades ago and decided it wasn’t for me. So whenever I need a new website, I make a list of the features I need, then do due diligence on the person I choose — and voila — it gets done for me!

I know what I want, my web designer answers my “techy” questions as I have them and then teaches me how to use it and how to make content additions or changes myself. And I don’t have to do any programming!

It starts by having an attitude where you say to yourself “I can’t do it so I’ll hire someone who can.” There are lots of things we think we can’t do but in reality we aren’t willing to spend the time needed to learn that thing. But hiring someone could be worth our while. We should be doing the thing we love to do!

Have I succeeded in convincing you that you need to change your attitude? What have you done?

 Originally posted January 18, 2015 

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How Do You Show Your Customers Love?

Picture from

Show love all year especially when you have your own business.

It’s one of the ways to deliver great (not just good) customer service.

In February love is in the air. Flower shops and chocolate stores have lots of sales. Most people get cards so the greeting card industry flourishes.

Show you’re thinking of your customers all the time not just in February.

Here are five ways to show that you’re always thinking of your clients.

1. Send a heartfelt message (when they buy). Your message shouldn’t have any sales pitch behind it; you simply want to tell your customers how much you appreciate them. You can do this in two ways:

  • Send an ecard
  • Mail a physical card. Don’t only sign your name. Write a note in it as well.

2. Spread love in February. Mail your clients a Valentine’s card.  When you take your focus away from selling and put it on giving (even if it’s just giving customers something to look at), they’ll want to come back.

3. Ask them what they want. One of the best gifts you can give your clients is your attention. How can you better deliver what they want from you? Ask them to find out. Send a brief survey to find out what services they like, what might be keeping them from buying them, what they think of your prices, and any suggestions they have for other things they’d like you to offer.

4. Have in person “coffee dates” (or virtual ones in this Covid pandemic). When’s the last time you actually spent face-time not talking about work? Book coffee or tea dates virtually or in person when you can and spend each meeting just building the relationship and NOT trying to sell. Ask questions about themselves that are not about business. You’ll be surprised what you might find out about them.

5. Offer incentives to buy again. One strategy for building customer loyalty as well as providing great customer service is to create attractive offers to past clients. That could be anything from 25% off of their next order to a gift card.

Do this …

Pick one of your goals for the next year. Now think about one way that you can show your love to clients.

Tell me how you show the love to your clients!

Originally posted on February 16, 2015 

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Treat people with kindness

Did people used to be kinder?

I was born in 1950 in London, Ontario, Canada and learned from my mom and dad back then, that you should be kind to everyone. Mom would often talk to complete strangers no matter where she was – on a bus, at a doctor’s office, at the grocery store, or on the street. She had a smile for everyone.

Society in general in 2019 didn’t seem to show that kindness. Was it that the social norms changed? I hope not.

Then along came the pandemic and lockdown. People became kinder and a lot more helpful to all others.

Before the pandemic, people spent more time looking down at their Smartphones and replying to messages than looking up and speaking to people around them. And when they did look up, it was too often to say something unpleasant.

Do they still behave that way now that more people are “out and about” albeit it with masks and distancing here in Canada?

I hope not. My wish is that people remember their kindnesses and helpfulness to everyone.

I had a debilitating stroke in 2005 when I was 55 and have poor balance (among other things) for which I have to use a walker. Since then, I’ve personally experienced the kindness of people – opening doors for me or offering to reach something in the grocery store or to help in general. During this pandemic when I don’t go out since I’m at higher risk because of my health and my age, friends call me to see how I’m doing and if they can do anything to help.

Here’s another example from my life …

My mastermind group sent me a spring flower basket on April 26, 2020. It was a wonderful surprise and I smiled every time I looked at it. When the flowers in it died, I gave the bulbs from them to my brother to plant in his garden and he took the ivy and the pussywillow in the basket and planted them in a pot for me.

I think it’s how you CHOOSE to see the world around you. I see kindness. Don’t get me wrong. I know there is evil too. I watch the news.

I choose to be kind because I can. It doesn’t matter how others respond to it, this is what I choose to do. Because I can.

What do YOU choose?

P.S. My favourite song is Somewhere Over The Rainbow. I believe and know because I’ve seen it, that after every storm is a blue sky and a rainbow. I grew up on Rainbow Avenue. Is that a coincidence?

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Do people remember you? How are you memorable?

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Why do business associates remember me – for a long time AND become friends?

I received an email from a man I had done business with in 1985. He had “googled” my name, found my website and emailed me. (isn’t technology wonderful?)

What makes me memorable? I thought about this and came up with several things that I’ve used, am or have done and how you can be too. Here’s how:

1. Speak with confidence.  

2. Stand up in a group and ask the question to which everyone else wants to know the answer.

3. Ask others about themselves. Don’t use the same questions such as “what do you do”. Ask an “open ended” question that gets them talking about themselves such as “what brought you to this kind of business – what did you do before?”

4. Attend the same networking events regularly. When people see you frequently they’re more likely to remember you.

5. When you’re at a group event stand up and ask a question or give a comment but always have an attitude of assurance. You’ll be remembered. I always did this not only because I wanted to know the answer but because I’m short (5’) and wanted to be seen!

6. Wear something memorable like a hat. (I was at a seminar  where the speaker made hats. He said a hat can be worn by a woman anytime. The hat draws attention to your face so people “see” and remember you.)

7. When you follow up with an email, put where and when you met the person in the subject line. That way they’ll go back to that place in their mind and are more likely to remember you.

8. Speak at conferences and webinars. You won’t know everybody there but they’ll get to know you and you’ll be remembered.

9. Give training seminars. You’ll get to know the participants especially if it’s a series of seminars or webinars.

10. In social media comment on people’s posts.

11. In blogs become a guest blogger AND even if you aren’t a guest blogger make thoughtful comments on people’s posts.

In everything you do in business, you want to be remembered.

Remember – know who you are and be proud of it. Stand tall and with confidence and you’ll be memorable.

Do you have any other examples of what you do that really make people think of you? Share them with all of us.

 Originally posted September 3, 2012 

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Fear or excitement .. YOU choose which one

photo by hanos-papazoglou-lgg_OWohtio from

Can the same incident cause fear in one person and excitement in another? The answer is yes.

In the early 1990s, I took a course called Mastery of Learning. To illustrate a point he was making, the instructor, Chris Welsh used a story from his own life as an example.

Imagine this”, he said. “You’re in a small plane, learning how to skydive. You’ve had lots of training in a classroom on the ground and now you’re in the plane and about to jump. Oh by the way, you’re over the water near one of the islands of Hawaii and need to jump so you land on the land.”

“You step out onto the wing, holding on to the strut. Physically you feel sick to your stomach. You get to choose whether that feeling is fear or excitement. The physical feeling is the same for each one. You choose your emotion.”

I’ve remembered that story many times in my life. Each time, I remind myself that I get to choose the emotion – fear or excitement.

The choice is yours. What do YOU choose?

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